2021 COVID-19 business grant
Announced on 13 July 2021 – Applications commenced 19 July 2021 and close on 13 September 2021
Announced as part of the 2021 COVID-19 support package, the support grant is intended to help certain businesses by alleviating cashflow constraints while trading is restricted. This grant can be used for business expenses, such as rent, utilities and wages, for which no other government support is available.

Depending on the decline in turnover experienced during the restrictions, eligible businesses that apply for the grant can receive:

• $15,000 for a decline in turnover of 70% or more
• $10,500 for a decline in turnover between 50% and 70%, or
• $7,500 for a decline in turnover between 30% and 50%.
To apply, businesses will need to compare their turnover over a minimum 2-week period from 26 June 2021 to 17 July 2021, compared to the same period in 2019. A modified comparison period may be applied for certain businesses located on the Victorian border.

Businesses, sole traders and not-for-profit organisations in NSW will be eligible for the 2021 COVID-19 business grant if they have:

• an Australian Business Number (ABN) and can demonstrate that they were operating in NSW as at 1 June 2021
• an annual turnover between $75,000 and $250 million (inclusive) for the year ended 30 June 2020
• total Australian annual wages below $10 million as at 1 July 2020
• maintained their employee headcount as at 13 July 2021 for the period for which the business is receiving payments under this grant and the JobSaver scheme, and
• business costs for which there is no other government support available.
Eligible expenses
The grant may only be used for unavoidable business expenses that are not supported by other government funding. The eligible expenses include:

• rent
• wages
• utilities
• professional advice to support business continuity planning
• marketing and communication activities
• the cost of perishable goods that can no longer be used, or
• other activities to support the operation of the business.
How to apply
Applications for grants must be submitted through Service NSW, where the application process commenced on 19 July 2021.

Businesses that were not operating in June/July 2019 may still be able to apply for the grants by contacting Service NSW directly.

To apply for the grant, the applicant needs:

• a MyServiceNSW account to access the online form
• proof of identity information, such as driver's license and Medicare card details
• a valid ABN or Australian Company Number (ACN), along with the business banking details
• to provide the latest Australian income tax return or Notice of Assessment, and
• qualified accountant, registered tax or Business Activity Statement (BAS) agent details.
Part of the application is a declaration that all the eligible criteria have been met. This includes the business owner stating that a decline in turnover of at least 30% has occurred compared to the same 2-week period in 2019.

You will need to provide a letter on behalf of your client if they are not in one of the highly impacted industries. This letter will need to state that the business can still demonstrate that a 30% reduction in turnover has occurred compared to 2019.

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