air bnb
Have you declared rental income & capital gain from sale of property?
ATO will collect data from rental bond from the following sources:
■ New South Wales Office of Fair Trading – Rental Bond Board
■ Residential Tenancies Bond Authority – Consumer Affairs Victoria
■ Tenancies SA - Consumer and Business Services
■ Bond Administrator – Department of Commerce WA
■ ACT Office of Rental Bonds – Access Canberra
■ Rental Deposit Authority - Consumer Building and Occupational Standards (Tasmania)
■ Residential Tenancies Authority, Queensland
The data to be collected may contain all or a selection of the fields listed for the specified financial years:
■ Rental bond number of identifier for rental bond
■ Unique identifier for the landlord
■ Full name of the landlord
■ Full address of the landlord
■ Date of birth of the landlord
■ Contact telephone numbers for the landlord
■ Unique identifier of the managing agent
■ Full name of the managing agent
■ Full address of the managing agent
■ Unique identifier of the rental property
■ Full address of the rental property
■ Period of lease
■ Commencement and expiration of the lease
■ Amount of rental bond held
■ Number of weeks the rental bond is for
■ Amount of rent payable for each period
■ Period of rental payments (weekly, fortnightly, monthly)
■ Type of dwelling
■ Number of bedrooms
Source: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2018G00633