English: 614-2237-2392   廣東話: 614-6888-7088 
We offer migration assistance in the following categories:
Business Visa
Skilled Visa
Work Visa
Student Visa
Working holiday visa
Partner / family visas
Complex issues 

Overseas Student Health Cover
Overseas Visitor Health Cover  

 If you would to know your eligibility for an Australian Visa and Citizenship. Please complete the “initial assessment” form. 

English: 614-2237-2392   廣東話: 614-6888-7088 

Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List

These 18 occupations skilled visa applicants will be on the priority list (update as at 27 Nov 2020) The Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List The 18 occupations (ANZSCO code) are: • Chief Executive or Managing Director (111111) • Construction Project Manager...

Business Visas UPDATE

Business Innovation and Investment Program changes from 1 July 2021 Key changes: The program will be simplified from nine to four visa streams: Business Innovation, Entrepreneur, Investor, and Significant Investor. There will be a clear pathway to permanent residency...


NEW CHANGES:  The Government will recommence granting student visas in all locations lodged outside Australia. This means when borders re-open, students will already have visas and be able to make arrangements to travel.  International students will be able to lodge...

Visa application processing times

Visa application processing times Last updated: 19 June 2018 (for month ending 31 May 2018) Visa Type Stream (if available) 75% of applications processed in 90% of applications processed in Visitor visas 651 eVisitor 1 business day 2 days 600 Visitor Tourist1 19 days...

Skill Select Invitations issued on 11 December 2018

https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/working-in-australia/skillselect/invitation-rounds So 11 December 2018 Invitation round Invitation process and cut offs The highest ranked clients by points score are invited to apply for the relevant visa. For clients who have...

Occupation ceilings for the 2017-2018

The table below shows the occupation ceilings for the 2017-2018 program year for each occupation on the list of eligible skilled occupations by four-digit ANZSCO code unit group. Occupation ceiling values are based on a percentage of stock employment figures for each...

Same-sex relationships visa applicants

  From 9 December 2017, you can apply for a visa as your partner’s ‘spouse’ if you are in a same-sex marriage following the legalisation of same-sex marriage in Australia. Under the changes, if you are in a same-sex marriage you can apply for a visa as your...

Current Visa application processing times

Last updated: 22 April 2020


Stream75% of visas processed90% of visas processed
888 – Business Innovation & Investment (Permanent) (subclass 888)EntrepreneurUnavailable due to low volume of applications.Unavailable due to low volume of applications.
890 – Business Owner (subclass 890)Unavailable due to low volume of applications.Unavailable due to low volume of applications.
891 – Investor (subclass 891)Unavailable due to low volume of applications.Unavailable due to low volume of applications.
892 – State Sponsored Business Owner (subclass 892)Unavailable due to low volume of applications.Unavailable due to low volume of applications.
893 – Sponsored Investor (subclass 893)Unavailable due to low volume of applications.Unavailable due to low volume of applications.
988 – Maritime Crew (subclass 988) 3 days7 days

This video explains why you should use a registered migration agent.

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