
This page summarises changes to the lists of eligible skilled occupations for Australia’s skilled visa programs that will come in to effect on 17 January 2018. This includes occupations that will be:

  • added to the lists of eligible skilled occupations;
  • moved between the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) and the Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) for particular visa programs; or
  • removed from the lists of eligible skilled occupations.

The Lists of eligible skilled occupations will be updated on 17 January 2018 to reflect these changes.

There are changes (including additions) to certain occupational caveats (indicated via ‘*** asterisks’) which exclude the use of the occupation in certain circumstances.  A summary of Caveats on occupations is available.

These changes will only impact applications lodged on or after 17 January 2018. Applications lodged before this date will not be impacted.

Occupations added to the lists

The three occupations below, which were previously unavailable on either list, will be added to the STSOL. Details of any caveats applicable to these three occupations are also provided below.

Note: To align the Training (subclass 407) visa with other visa programs, a number of occupations which were previously not eligible for this visa will be available when the instrument comes into effect.

OccupationANZSCO codeCaveat from 17/1/2018
Property Manager***612112Excludes any of the following positions:

  • that have a nominated base salary of less than AUD$65,000
  • with businesses that have fewer than five employees
  • with businesses that have an annual turnover of less than AUD$1M
  • which are not located in regional Australia – see Eligible Postcodes in Regional Australia.
Real Estate Representative***612115Excludes any of the following positions:

  • that have a nominated base salary of less than AUD$65,000
  • with businesses that have fewer than five employees
  • with businesses that have an annual turnover of less than AUD$1M
  • which are not located in regional Australia – see Eligible Postcodes in Regional Australia.

Occupations moved between the lists

The two occupations below will be moved from the STSOL to the MTLSSL. Details of any caveats applicable to these occupations are also provided below.

OccupationANZSCO codeCaveat from 17/1/2018
Horse Breeder***121316Excludes positions that:

  • predominantly involve low skilled tasks (e.g. fruit picking or packing, feeding of livestock or animals); or
  • are not located in regional Australia – see Eligible Postcodes in Regional Australia.

Note: this caveat has not changed.

Management Consultant***224711Excludes positions in businesses that:

  • have an annual turnover of less than AUD$1M
  • in businesses that have fewer than five employees; or
  • have a nominated base salary of less than AUD$90,000.

Note: Amended caveat – base salary requirement raised to $90,000.

No occupations will be moved from the MLTSSL to the STSOL.

Occupations removed from the lists

The two occupations listed below will be completely removed from the lists of eligible skilled occupations for all skilled visa programs on 17 January 2018.

OccupationANZSCO code
Building Associate312112
Hair or Beauty Salon Manager142114

Occupations with caveat-only changes

The six occupations listed below will remain on their existing lists. A new and/or amended caveat will, however, be in effect as of 17 January 2018 as outlined below.

OccupationANZSCO codeCaveat from 17/1/2018Explanation of change
Accommodation and Hospitality Managers nec***141999Excludes positions that are not located in regional Australia – see Eligible Postcodes in Regional Australia.New caveat
Management Accountant***221112Excludes any of the following positions:

  • clerical, book keeper and accounting clerk positions
  • positions in businesses that have an annual turnover of less than AUD$1M
  • positions in businesses that have fewer than five employees.
New caveat
Massage Therapist***411611Excludes any of the following positions:

  • are non full-time
  • are not based in a therapeutic setting
  • involve the provision of  non-medical relaxation massage; or
  • are in a retail setting.
Caveat amended – clarification of wording only
Recruitment Consultant***223112Excludes any of the following positions:

  • that have a nominated base salary of less than AUD$90,000
  • with businesses that have an annual turnover of less than AUD$1M
  • with businesses that have fewer than five employees.
Amended caveat – base salary requirement raised to $90,000
​Supply and Distribution Manager***​133611Excludes any of the following positions:

  • based in a front-line retail setting;
  • that predominately involve direct client transactional interaction on a regular basis;
  • with businesses that have an annual turnover of less than AUD$1M unless they involve an intra-corporate transfer to which an international trade obligation applies;
  • that have a nominated base salary of less than AUD$65,000 unless they involve an intra-corporate transfer to which an international trade obligation applies.
​Amended caveat - annual turn over requirement does not apply where international trade obligations apply
Taxation Accountant***221113Excludes any of the following positions:

  • clerical, book keeper and accounting clerk positions
  • positions in businesses that have an annual turnover of less than AUD$1M
  • positions in businesses that have fewer than five employees.
Amended caveat – size of business requirements added
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