From 1 July 2019, the taxable payments
reporting system (TPRS) expanded to include payments a business makes to
contractors who provide any of the following relevant services on their behalf:
- road freight services
- security, investigation or
surveillance services - information technology (IT)
Examples of road freight services activities
- furniture removal
service- log haulage service
- road freight
forwarding service
- truck hire service
(with driver)
Examples of security, investigation or
surveillance services include:
- locksmithing
- burglary protection
- alarm monitoring and
response - armoured car service
- detective agency
service - night watch service
- crowd, event or venue
control - body guarding or close
personal protection - operating a security
control room or monitoring centre - operating security
screening equipment (such as prohibited item detectors, x-ray scanners, and
explosive trace detection) - security guard service
Examples of information technology services activities
- IT consulting service
- computer network
systems design and integration service
- computer programming
- computer software
consulting service
- computer hardware
consulting service
- computer facilities
- internet and web
design consulting service
- software development
(customised) service (except publishing)
- software installation
- software simulation
and testing service
- systems analysis
- computer network